SK in fairyland

Recently I was lucky enough to briefly visit fairyland, aka the Royal Opera House, on a quest for Cinderella dust to add to my travelling Museum of Dust, until recently on display at Swedenborg House.  Dust, that is, connected to Cinderella‘s fairy tale shoes perhaps? By chance I was also given a few sparkles that had fallen from her wedding cloak.  Magic!  There are many versions of the story of Cinderella – I’m hoping to see the Royal Ballet‘s take on it but if not, I’ve experienced a hint of its magical quality from my glimpse behind the scenes. A tiny bottle of Cinderella dust may evoke some of that magic, who knows?

During my whirlwind visit, I said hello to one of the Cinderellas and collected a few pinches of rosin from a wooden tray which she kindly showed me.  Cinderella told me she sometimes rubs a small amount of rosin, to prevent slippage, inside rather than the outside of her shoes, as this is discouraged – rosin marks the stage.  Then, walking quickly through a warren of corridors, I passed giant mice, tutus stored on poles to avoid their being squashed, and the door of the person in charge of shoes. Bouquets of flowers were waiting by the stage door as I left the land of make-believe for the cold and rainy streets of Covent Garden.

                  Cinderella is currently at the Royal Opera House until May 3rd 2023.

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