Sally Kindberg’s Museum of Dust at an Artworkers Guild exhibition

How do I collect minute samples of dust for my Museum, I was asked? So I gave a technical (ahem) demonstration using my dolls’ house dustpan and brush. The Museum of Dust appeared for one day only at the Artworkers Guild Table Top Museum exhibition on September 18th,  joining twenty-eight other collectors.

Everyone looked happy, there wasn’t nearly enough time to chat to other collectors, but how lovely to see colleagues from the Royal Literary Fund, and the City of London Guides Association (now Blue Badge Guides) who popped in to say hello, and to experience visitors’ interest in and curiosity about … dust. Amongst other things.

Seen here:  organiser Leigh Milsom Fowler looking after Simon Hurst’s oil lamps,  Mr Zeel with his mobile menagerie of crazed creatures, Mandy Prowse and her beloved Latvian grandmother’s archive, Will Houston with a collection of Victorian business cards, Tomiko O’Brien displaying her enthusiasm for stones and boulders, Stephen Fowler with his Wild Folk and Loch Ness Monster Museum, and Claire Fletcher’s swarm of small people.

Sadly I didn’t have time to take photos of the domesticated Alpenstocks, English Heritage erasers and many other delights. At the end of the afternoon we were each given a celebratory ribbon with a (chocolate coin) medallion, a perfect ending to a rather wonderful day.

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2 Responses to Sally Kindberg’s Museum of Dust at an Artworkers Guild exhibition

  1. Pingback: Sally Kindberg, Doctor Who’s 60th birthday and TARDIS dust | Sally Kindberg's Blog

  2. Pingback: Sally Kindberg at the Artworkers Guild Table Top Museum | Sally Kindberg's Blog

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