Fossil Hunter connection at Bouncing Off The Wall

Last weekend after running my Hand Book of hopes and dreams workshop at Bouncing Off The Wall Graphics Fair, I watched a Pollocks Toy Theatre performance which surprisingly featured a flying saucer landing on the stage, and special sound effects supplied by D, who I noticed was wearing an eye-catching and enviable skirt.

Afterwards we got into conversation – I wanted to know where she got the skirt from! We chatted and later I offered her a choice of one of my new business cards, each featuring a character from The Hand Book, which I’d had made by Moo cards.

D chose a card at random (without seeing it) and by chance picked the young fossil hunter image, inspired by early 19th century fossil hunter extraordinaire Mary AnningI wrote about her again recently.  Imagine my surprise when I learned that D’s mother was a descendant of the Dorset Anning family …

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