Sally Kindberg’s Pinboard commissions

I’ve always collected bits of printed ephemera, and my flat has several pinboards and walls covered in it.  A friend/work colleague asked me to make two pieces in the style of my pinboards, incorporating my own drawings, Victorian scraps, labels, cards etc, as presents for two young sisters.  A delightful commission …

Here’s how they looked after my friend put them into frames for the two little girls…

Below are some details of the pinboards in my flat.  Every item tells a story.  Can you spot the Atomic Fireball, Sigmund Freud, the Pocket Trout, Desperate Dan’s chin reliquary, Tommy Cooper, my Tall Ships Race medal, a leaf from Sherwood Forest’s Great Oak, two female wrestlers and Joseph Beuys’s felt suit?  I’m taking more commissions by the way …

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