Busy day last week at Wembley Primary School (of about 900 pupils) running five workshops with five different classes of enthusiastic Year 4 children, showing and talking about my Draw It! London book and The Comic Strip Greatest Greek Myths, both published by Bloomsbury Children’s Books.
Two of the workshops were all about the tunnels running underneath London, and what you might discover in them. Children worked together and drew their surprising ideas … a time tunnel? Goldmines, a tunnel full of seawater, dinosaurs, a theme park and a bevy of ghosts all made their appearances. Then everyone linked their tunnels to make fantastic underground networks …
Children loved the Bloomsbury bookmarks as well as the books!
Later … could fearless Wembley children defeat a badly behaved giant Cyclops using some handy aids mentioned in Greek Myths such as a magical bag of wind, Medusa’s head, a carton of sleepy-making lotus juice, a cap of invisibility or a pair of flying sandals? They certainly could! Medusa’s head a favourite btw …
Thanks to some of the young Wembley reviewers …
The last workshop was with boys from Year 4 boys’ Writing Club. They each chose a character to develop using dialogue and plot, and wrote/drew a story linking the character next to them, to see how events developed.
Many impressive results …