Sally Kindberg at Waterstones Piccadilly authors’ event


Waterstone Piccadilly

SK and Gino at waterstones piccTo Waterstones Piccadilly last night to take part in a ‘meet the author’ Christmas event.  Literary cocktails (think Ernest Hemingway) and mince pies were served.  Almost crushed by a queue of swooning ladies waiting to meet tightly trousered charmer and TV chef Gino D’Acampo.   A large snowman brought his snow-dog and a band played.  Shared the second floor with Rob Biddulph, Malorie Blackman, Charlie Higson and Lauren Child amongst others.  Gino arrived in a blaze of aftershave and is obviously a man of literary discernment as he appeared to appreciate Draw It – London.

Several people bought Draw It – London, including a chatty teacher and somone who asked for two for his grown-up daughters. Later I was buttonholed by an elderly gent dressed in a very chic midnight-blue overcoat, who claimed to have written all the Beatles’ songs, and to have been responsible for the Wars of the Roses.

I do love London …

snowman at WP

SK and RB at WP

malorie Balckman at WPCharlie Higson at WPLauren Child at WPSK at waterstones 2SK at waterstones

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