Sally Kindberg’s Blog Tour

Thank you artist/author Bridget Strevons-Marzo, for asking me to answer a few Q&As on a short blog tour, so here goes, before I pass it on to the next artist/author …

1. What am I working on?

skdrawits london stickers I’m writing and illustrating the next four books in my Draw It! series for Bloomsbury, which will appear in 2015.  The first three are available, the fourth, Draw It – London is in a different format and it’s packed full of amazing info about my favourite city, has seven interviews with people who have specialist jobs in London,  lots of maps,  stickers for children if they’ve seen/heard/drawn/smelt bits of London, and plenty of space for them to draw some of the one hundred wonders in the book.  One of the interviews is actually with Hugine, a Royal raven at the Tower of London, so not all people … Draw It – London is in the shops May 2014. I’m also working on a graphic novel which is part memoir/part fiction, and lots of other ideas. DRAW IT cover 2013 2.  How does my work differ from others of its genre? It has a particular kind of humour (and wobbly line) – a  mixture of image and text which can appeal to children and adults alike. guardianpicAlthough I’m now writing/illustrating books for children, I’ve worked for many newspapers and magazines – drawing regularly for the Guardian and Independent, and writing travel features for both as well as for London’s Evening Standard.  unitsofastonishment Working on the Bloomsbury Comic Strip books was a delight, combining my pics with Tracey Turner’s wonderful text in a series of four books. space cover herschelspace Drawn characters often insist on having a particularly voice, or even having a book of their own.  This happened in Robotina Finds Out, after the little robot popped up unexpectedly my illustrations for Wendy Cope’s Twiddling Your Thumbs. robotina 3.  Why do I write/draw what I do? Because I’m curious about lots of stuff – other people, places etc.  Maybe it’s because I grew up in an atmosphere of hidden secrets, things you weren’t supposed to talk about, and I was a tiny rebel?? howitallstarted 4.  How does your writing/drawing process work? Notebooks (see some of them in other places on this blog) are really important – a visual and written aide memoire to all sorts of information and inspiration – heard, smelt, seen.   Deadlines (given or self-imposed) are vital, otherwise there are too many distractions. October notebook 1 And now I’m passing you on talented Maureen Lynas‘s blog … see her work and visit her brainchild the brilliant funeverse.  Maureen kindly asked me to take part in it, so here’s that link too … have fun!fortunecard

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